March 15, 2023

“7 Guidelines for Creating a SEO-friendly and Click-worthy Blog Post Title” 


Have you ever wondered why certain blog posts get more clicks than others? The answer lies in their titles. Creating a SEO-friendly and click-worthy blog post title is crucial for driving traffic to your website. In this blog post, we will guide you through 7 essential guidelines for crafting an outstanding blog post title that is both SEO-friendly and click-worthy.

1. Keep it Short and Sweet:

The ideal length of a blog post title should be between 50-60 characters. This is because search engines usually display the first 60 characters of a title. Therefore, keeping your titles concise and to-the-point will make it easier for readers to understand and search engines to crawl. A shorter title also looks more attractive and eye-catching, leading to more clicks.

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2. Use Powerful and Descriptive Words:

Using strong, descriptive words in your blog post title will help you capture the reader’s attention. These words can be adjectives, verbs, or even numbers. For example, instead of using “Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts,” you can use “10 Proven Tips for Writing Exceptional Blog Posts.” This title is more descriptive and powerful, increasing the chances of a reader clicking on it.

3. Incorporate Your Keyword:

Including your target keyword in your blog post title can significantly improve your search engine ranking. But, make sure not to overuse the keyword, as this will lead to keyword stuffing, which can result in penalties from search engines. Instead, use your keyword naturally and creatively in the title.

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4. Optimize your Title for Social Media:

Social media platforms display only a limited amount of characters in their posts. Therefore, it’s important to optimize your blog post title for social media. Keep your title concise, include a relevant hashtag, and add emotional triggers to make it more shareable and clickable.

5. Address the Reader’s Pain Points:

Addressing the reader’s pain points in your blog post title can make it more relatable for them. It can be a fear, a problem, or a question that they have. If your title promises solutions to their pain points, readers will be more likely to click on it. For example, “How to Overcome Writer’s Block” is a title that speaks to the reader’s pain point, providing them with solutions to overcome the problem.

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6. Arouse Curiosity:

Creating a sense of curiosity in the reader is a great way to make them click on your blog post title. Use phrases like “you won’t believe,” “the secrets revealed,” or “the truth about” to intrigue them. For example, the title “The Shocking Truth about the Food Industry” is a title that raises curiosity and encourages readers to click on it.

7. Stick to Your Brand Voice:

Your blog post title should always be in line with your brand voice. It should reflect your brand’s tone and personality. Consistently using the same tone across all your blog posts creates a sense of trust and familiarity with your readership.

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1. What is an SEO-friendly Blog Post Title?

An SEO-friendly blog post title contains the target keyword and is easily understandable for both search engines and readers. The title should be concise to ensure search engines display it in the search results completely.

2. How can I make my Blog Post Title Click-worthy?

Your blog post title should be powerful, descriptive, and concise. Use strong verbs, emotive language, and numbers to make it more engaging. It’s also essential to address the reader’s pain points and create a sense of curiosity in the title.

3. How can I Optimize my Blog Post Title for Social Media?

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Keep your title concise, add relevant hashtags, and use emotional triggers to make it more shareable and clickable. Using popular keywords in your title when targeting your audience will lead to higher engagement levels.

4. Should I Include my Keyword in my Blog Post Title?

Yes, you should include your target keyword in your blog post title to improve your SEO ranking. It needs to be used naturally to avoid keyword stuffing.

5. What is the Ideal Length for a Blog Post Title?

The ideal length for a blog post title is between 50-60 characters to make it readable. Search engines generally display the first 60 characters of a title.

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6. What Should I Consider While Crafting my Blog Post Title?

You need to keep the blog post’s content in mind while creating the title. It should be descriptive, concise, and accurately portrayed the article’s content.

7. Why is Brand Voice Important in Blog Post Titles?

Your brand voice reflects how you communicate with your audience and what kind of impression you make. Keeping your brand voice consistent across titles, articles, and social media makes you recognizable and trustworthy.


If you want your blog post to get noticed, creating an SEO-friendly and click-worthy title is essential. Making the title concise, powerful, descriptive, and optimized for social media will increase the chances of readers clicking on it. Addressing the reader’s pain points, creating curiosity, and using a consistent brand voice will help you build a lasting relationship with your readers. Now you know how to create the perfect title for your next blog post, put it to use and watch your traffic levels soar!

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